27 maio 2010

Dostoievski says:

I put desire over reason.

Fi says:

I should put desire over reason..

Dostoievski says:

But if you like a man's laugh before you know anything of him, you may confidently say he is a good man.

Fi says:

But I never heard his laugh. I'v never had the chance.

Dostoievski says:

Hm.. If I was you I'd take refuge in the sublime and beautiful, in your dreams, of course.

Fi says:

But Dotoievski, I always dream. I'm good at it already. That's not going to solve anything.

Dotoievski says:

Ooh, we are all lame. We feel a sort of loathing for real livin' life..

Fi says:

You'r right my friend, I should take more action. Live with more intensity. Bring some brightness add some joy and be free and be happy.

Dotoievski says:

I'm proud of you Fi, Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.
Now I have to go. Have to finish my new book. See yah.
xxx Love, Fyodor

2 comentários:

bea7riz disse...

andas a trabalhar demais se calhar. pq o fiodor fala e comigo

Fi disse...

se calhar é por isso que ele nao tem andado por estes lados, deve andar a falar contigo. safado